Are we really surprised by the comments made by those who embrace the culture of death when it comes to abortion? I can say that I am not shocked at all, in fact, sometimes I wonder if I will ever hear something new, something I have never heard from pro-abortionists before. Fall classes have begun and it is time to get back out on the campuses to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have been waiting all summer for this time to arrive. Evangelism on College Campuses is by far my favorite place to go out and witness to others their need of the Savior Jesus. Normally I don't spend much time at our local community college because many students who attend the community college also work and while there are some who are full time students many are there for their classes and then off to work or wherever and off the campus, so I usually go out to Cleveland State because many of the students there are full time students and have more time to stand around and talk between classes. However, I really wanted to get out today and get on the campuses of our local community college because I know I will be at Cleveland State later this week and I at least wanted to give it a go and spend some time at LCCC, our local community college. And I believe I have been underestimating the community college, while I didn't have as many encounters as I have at larger colleges, I have to say I did have a great day. I believe I was able to hand out about one hundred gospel tracts, give or take, but regardless of the amount I know many of the tracts went out and I even had some students come back and tell me they read the tracts. I also had a few students who were Christians come and tell me that they like my sign and appreciated me being out there, and that was truly encouraging. (picture of my sign below) As you can see, the sign I use accomplishes a couple things for me when I am out holding this sign. First, it addresses the evil of abortion and calls it exactly what abortion is, murder. Also the sign points out the reality that forgiveness for murder can only be found in Jesus Christ. This gives me the opportunity to speak on abortion pointing out just how evil it is and hopefully will cause young men and women especially to really consider what abortion is and think twice before even considering this wickedness as an option. And even more vitally important is this allows me to share with these young men and women their need for Jesus Christ. As I mentioned when I started this article, I am not really shocked or surprised by the things I hear young people say to me when I am out evangelizing. If you don't get out to evangelize on college campuses and want to see the state of our young people in America, you should go at least once and listen to the things they say to you, it might be a huge eye opener for many. On this occasion, I young lady came by and took a gospel tract from me and then when she looked at my sign told me to "stay safe man", to which I replied "why wouldn't I be safe", and just as said that to her another girl walked by and said that "my mom should have aborted me". (video below) Now I wasn't shocked by this comment, this is not the first time I have heard someone say that to me or other mean and hateful things. But it does reveal the heart of many of these young individuals. When you support a culture of death you have no problem wishing other people around you were dead, simply because you don't like the truth that is being exposed.
That really is what it comes down to right, abortion is murder, and the word of God say that we shall not murder (Exodus 20:13), and that God hates hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17b), and the wages of our sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). So even for the murderer there is hope if they repent and turn to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sin. As the scripture says whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). So call on His name today and be reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. G220 Ministries Ricky Gantz May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Evangelism out in public can be scary, for many people it is outside their comfort zone, the thought of going up to strangers and asking them to talk about Jesus, definitely not always easy for many people. Not to mention the fact that you may encounter obstacles along the way. Such as the security guard at a public event. Now to be far most security guards to a great job, they are hired to provide a service and keep safe the people who participate in an event and of course those who attend these events. Now to be clear there is a difference between an event that is private and one that is open to the public. If an event is private, on private property and may require a ticket to enter, well in that case the security may ask you to stop or leave the property. My advice in that situation would be to comply, for example if I go into a store like Walmart or Target and while I am in the store I am walking around passing out gospel tracts (which I have done on occasions) and a security guard or employee comes up to me and asks me to stop or leave the store, I would comply, because it is a privately owned business and their property. But what about a public event? Well, if the event is public and taking place on public property, then you have every right to be there and engage in evangelism. Just remember why you are there... to glorify the Lord and be a witness for Christ, so how you evangelize and engage does matter. That's not to say that you shouldn't at times be stern or bold in your witness but that you keep in mind the most important thing is to glorify God and see men and women come to faith in Christ. So what should you do when a security guard comes up and asks you to move along and/or tries to move you away from the event? First, I would say to be kind, remember the security guard is in need of the Lord just like everyone else, and there may be many reasons why they are asking you to move along. It could be they were asked by the event coordinators who hired them to move you along, or it could be that they are hostile to the message of Christ and just want to silence you, again though it is important to remember, they need Jesus also. So be kind, offer them a gospel tract, inform them that you are just going to continue to hand out tracts and talk to be and keep on moving. Colossians 4:5-6 says, "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." Here is a short clip of an encounter a brother and I had with security at a local farmers market. Thankfully the Lord provided us peace with the security guard the rest of the day. And while the interaction I had with the security guard was short, we interacted with kindness and yet still informed him we were going to keep on walking and handing out tracts. We had no issues the rest of the day by the security guard as we continued to evangelize. I was reminded of Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
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